2900 S Rancho Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89102
(702) 665-7631
Allen Drug Rehab center of Las Vegas, Nevada can serve as a stepping stone from a life of dependence, to a life of independence. Clients who enter our substance abuse treatment facility will be provided with all the amenities and services needed to escape their addictive lifestyles.
Protecting Our Clients
We at Allen Recovery drug rehab facility make sure our clients are protected and safe, both in terms of their health, and their reputations. We empathize with the desire to keep all medical issues private, and ensure that your only concern at our facility will be your health and recovery.
Comfort and Luxury
Here at the Allen addiction recovery program of Las Vegas, NV, we specialize in client comfort. Our faculty and staff go the extra mile to provide an attractive, comfortable, and luxurious environment where clients can relax and focus on their treatments. Physical and emotional relaxation play an important role in healing from addiction and our staff do our utmost to maintain a stress-free and clean facility.
The Detox Process
Detoxification from drugs or alcohol is a critical step in recovery. Ridding the body of toxic substances allows clients to focus on improving their physical and mental state. Our detox unit is carefully supervised by skilled experts who monitor clients’ health. Only after completing detox will clients be ready to move forward in the addiction recovery process.
Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Some conditions like mental illness coexist with an addiction to drugs and alcohol. For our clients at the Las Vegas NV branch, we will perform a personal assessment to determine if dual diagnosis treatment is needed. Clients who are aware of a possible contributing mental health issue like depression or anxiety will be recommended a dual diagnosis treatment that treats for both afflictions.
Personalized Plans of Treatment
An individualized plan of care which targets specific addictions and contributing factors will be developed for each client. In addition, we work with each client in order to address areas of life affected by the addiction such as education, professional goals, personal finance, etc.
Support of Peers
At Allen Recovery Center in Las Vegas, NV, we offer clients the chance to meet other addicts who share in their experiences and who can offer suggestions. Group therapy sessions, in addition to individual therapy, are included in the program at Allen Recovery to encourage sharing stories and offering peer support.
Our Amazing Staff
Our staff is here to help you through the process of rehabilitation, from start to end. Whether it’s counseling, preparing your meals, or maintaining the facilities, our staff is there to make you feel comfortable and relaxed. Therefore, we hope that you remain open and honest with our staff, so that you can receive the best possible treatment throughout your stay here.
Follow-up Advice and Care
After leaving Allen addiction treatment facility in Las Vegas NV, many clients seek follow-up care in order to prevent a relapse. They often continue with individual therapy, and some may join support groups..
With our years of experience serving the population of Las Vegas, NV, as well as clients from all parts of the world, we ensure that our clients have everything they need to reach their goal of overcoming addiction for good.